Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Myers Briggs On Line Self Assessment - 1732 Words

I completed the Myers-Briggs on-line self-assessment and based off my answers to the questions the assessment asked me, I was classified as an ESFJ – ESFJ stands for extraversion, sensing, feeling and judgment (HumanMetrics). ESFJ’s are known to be the caregivers out of the different combinations a person may receive, and tend to be very emotional and due to this, they do not wear their heart on their sleeves. Other important characteristics of an ESFJ are being able to delegate easily in a situation where a problem arises. Though an ESFJ may easily delegate, they may also struggle when they have to make a quick decision, which can cause great discomfort and conflict within themselves (Butt 2009). Being classified as an ESFJ has been very†¦show more content†¦I took everything very seriously and felt that all rules had to be abided by. After school, I was always the first to say that we had homework to be completed and I made it my mission to ensure that all of my siblings completed their homework. I would always tell them that organization is the key to success. I also took it upon myself to help my younger brother with his schoolwork. I vividly remember sitting in my dad’s room teaching him how to read a book, it was things like this my mother would have taught him if she were there and my father would have if he did not have to work so hard to support us. Looking back at these memories, I fully understand why I am more sensing than intuitive. I had things in the moment I had to and wanted to accomplish, and I felt that by accomplishing the tasks, we would all be better off and happier. I took everything literally and personally, which are both main characteristics of someone who is sensing (BSM 2014). Being an extravert also helped me in daily tasks like this and it encouraged me to help others when necessary without doubting myself. With a love to plan and make lists, I always prepared a grocery list and to this day, I still d o. Creating the list was something I enjoyed, but it also served a purpose and that was to stay focused on what we truly needed. Almost every child that was raised by a single parent understands what it means to be frugal, and when you areShow MoreRelatedThe Leadership Journey Of Ronda Harlan1535 Words   |  7 Pagessuccess, there is evidence that effective leaders are different from other people in certain key respects (p. 48). Some leading traits include: 1. Honesty Integrity 2. Drive 3. Leadership Motivation 4. Self-Confidence 5. Cognitive Ability 6. 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